In this paper, we present SemEval-2020 Task 4, Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE), which includes three subtasks, aiming to evaluate whether a system can distinguish a natural language statement that makes sense to human from one that does not, and provide the reasons. Specifically, in our first subtask, the participating systems are required to choose from two natural language statements of similar wording the one that makes sense and the one does not. The second subtask additionally asks a system to select the key reason from three options why a given statement does not make sense. In the third subtask, a participating system needs to generate the reason automatically.
翻译:在本文中,我们介绍SemEval-2020任务4(Comve)4, 其中包括三个子任务,目的是评估一个系统能否区分对人类而言没有意义的自然语言语句和对人类而言没有意义的自然语言语句,并提供理由。具体地说,在我们的第一个子任务中,参与系统必须从两种类似语言的自然语言语句中选择一种语言语句,一种语言语句是有道理的,另一种语言是没有意义的。第二个子任务要求从三个选项中选择一个系统来选择一个关键原因,三个选项是为什么给定的语句没有意义。在第三个子任务中,参与系统需要自动产生理由。