The debate on whether or not humans have free will has been raging for centuries. Although there are good arguments based on our current understanding of the laws of nature for the view that it is not possible for humans to have free will, most people believe they do. This discrepancy begs for an explanation. If we accept that we do not have free will, we are faced with two problems: (1) while freedom is a very commonly used concept that everyone intuitively understands, what are we actually referring to when we say that an action or choice is "free" or not? And, (2) why is the belief in free will so common? Where does this belief come from, and what is its purpose, if any? In this paper, we examine these questions from the perspective of reinforcement learning (RL). RL is a framework originally developed for training artificial intelligence agents. However, it can also be used as a computational model of human decision making and learning, and by doing so, we propose that the first problem can be answered by observing that people's common sense understanding of freedom is closely related to the information entropy of an RL agent's normalized action values, while the second can be explained by the necessity for agents to model themselves as if they could have taken decisions other than those they actually took, when dealing with the temporal credit assignment problem. Put simply, we suggest that by applying the RL framework as a model for human learning it becomes evident that in order for us to learn efficiently and be intelligent we need to view ourselves as if we have free will.
翻译:有关人类是否拥有自由意志的辩论已经持续了几个世纪。 尽管基于我们目前对自然法则的理解,我们对于自然法则的理解有很好的论点,但大多数人认为,这些观点认为,人类不可能有自由意志,但大多数人相信,他们认为,这种差异是有道理的。 如果我们承认我们没有自由意志,我们面临两个问题:(1) 尽管自由是一个人们直觉理解的非常常用的概念,但当我们说行动或选择是“自由”或不“自由”时,我们实际上指的是什么?(2) 信仰自由意志为何如此常见?这种信念来自何处,其宗旨是什么?在本文中,我们从加强学习的角度来审视这些问题(RL),这种差异是需要加以解释的。如果最初为培训人工智能人员而制定的框架,那么它也可以作为人类决策和学习的计算模型,我们的第一个问题可以通过观察,人们对自由的常识理解与一个模型的信息密切相关,如果我们把一个RL代理人的理念看成是正常的,那么当我们用它自己作为普通的价值观时,我们就可以用它来解释,而我们用它本身的理论来解释它本身的规律决定。