We propose a massive parallel decoding GRAND framework. The framework introduces two novelties: 1. A likelihood function for $M$-QAM demodulated signals that effectively reduces the symbol error pattern space from $\mathcal{O}(5^{N/\log_2 M})$ down to $\mathcal{O}(4^{N/\log_2 M})$; and 2. A massively parallel matrix-vector multiplication for matrices of size $K\times N$ ($K \leq N$) that performs the multiplication in just $\mathcal{O}(\log_2 N)$ steps. We then apply the proposed GRAND approach to codes and operational modulation techniques used in the current 5G NR standard. Our framework is applicable not just to short codewords but to the full range of codewords from 32 bits up to 1024 bits used in the control channels of 5G NR. We also present simulation results with parity-check matrices of Polar codes with rate $R=1/2$ obtained from the 5G NR universal reliability sequence.