Consistency Training (CT) has recently emerged as a promising alternative to diffusion models, achieving competitive performance in image generation tasks. However, non-distillation consistency training often suffers from high variance and instability, and analyzing and improving its training dynamics is an active area of research. In this work, we propose a novel CT training approach based on the Flow Matching framework. Our main contribution is a trained noise-coupling scheme inspired by the architecture of Variational Autoencoders (VAE). By training a data-dependent noise emission model implemented as an encoder architecture, our method can indirectly learn the geometry of the noise-to-data mapping, which is instead fixed by the choice of the forward process in classical CT. Empirical results across diverse image datasets show significant generative improvements, with our model outperforming baselines and achieving the state-of-the-art (SoTA) non-distillation CT FID on CIFAR-10, and attaining FID on par with SoTA on ImageNet at $64 \times 64$ resolution in 2-step generation. Our code is available at .