Neural network based approaches to automated story plot generation attempt to learn how to generate novel plots from a corpus of natural language plot summaries. Prior work has shown that a semantic abstraction of sentences called events improves neural plot generation and and allows one to decompose the problem into: (1) the generation of a sequence of events (event-to-event) and (2) the transformation of these events into natural language sentences (event-to-sentence). However, typical neural language generation approaches to event-to-sentence can ignore the event details and produce grammatically-correct but semantically-unrelated sentences. We present an ensemble-based model that generates natural language guided by events.We provide results---including a human subjects study---for a full end-to-end automated story generation system showing that our method generates more coherent and plausible stories than baseline approaches.
翻译:以神经网络为基础的自动故事生成方法试图学习如何从一系列自然语言情节摘要中生成新剧本。先前的工作表明,用语义抽象的句子称为事件,可以改善神经情节生成,并使人们可以将问题分解为:(1) 产生一系列事件(活动到活动),(2) 将这些事件转化为自然语言句(事件到判决),然而,典型的神经语言生成方法可以忽略事件细节,产生语法正确但与语法无关的句子。我们展示了一个基于共同语言的模型,在事件指导下生成自然语言。我们提供了成果-包括人类主题研究,用于一个完整的终端到终端自动故事生成系统,表明我们的方法比基线方法产生更加连贯和可信的故事。