Incremental quantum circuit simulation has emerged as an important tool for simulation-driven quantum applications, such as circuit synthesis, verification, and analysis. When a small portion of the circuit is modified, the simulator must incrementally update state amplitudes for reasonable turnaround time and productivity. However, this type of incrementality has been largely ignored by existing research. To fill this gap, we introduce a new incremental quantum circuit simulator called qTask. qTask leverages a task-parallel decomposition strategy to explore both inter- and intra-gate operation parallelisms from partitioned data blocks. Our partitioning strategy effectively narrows down incremental update to a small set of partitions affected by circuit modifiers. We have demonstrated the promising performance of qTask on QASMBench benchmarks. Compared to two state-of-the-art simulators, Qulacs and Qiskit, qTask is respectively 1.46x and 1.71x faster for full simulation and 5.77x and 9.76x faster for incremental simulation.
翻译:递增量电路模拟已成为模拟驱动量子应用的重要工具,例如电路合成、核查和分析。 当对电路的一小部分进行修改时, 模拟器必须按合理的周转时间和生产率逐步更新状态振幅。 但是, 现有的研究在很大程度上忽略了这种递增性。 为了填补这一空白, 我们引入了一个新的增量量量电路模拟器, 名为 qTask。 qTask 将任务平行分解策略作为工具, 以探索从分隔式数据区块中分离出的跨和内部作业平行。 我们的分解策略有效地将增量更新缩小为受电路修饰者影响的一小组分区。 我们已经展示了QASMBench 基准上QTask 的有希望的性能。 与两种状态的量子电路模拟器相比, Qulacs 和 Qiskit, qTask 分别是1.46x 和 1.71x 和 5.77x 和 9.76x 以更快的速度进行全面模拟。