We present csSampling, an R package for estimation of Bayesian models for data collected from complex survey samples. csSampling combines functionality from the probabilistic programming language Stan (via the rstan and brms R packages) and the handling of complex survey data from the survey R package. Under this approach, the user creates a survey-weighted model in brms or provides a custom weighted model via rstan. Survey design information is provided via the svydesign function of the survey package. The cs_sampling function of csSampling estimates the weighted stan model and provides an asymptotic covariance correction for model mis-specification due to using survey sampling weights as plug-in values in the likelihood. This is often known as a ``design effect'' which is the ratio between the variance from a complex survey sample and a simple random sample of the same size. The resulting adjusted posterior draws can then be used for the usual Bayesian inference while also achieving frequentist properties of asymptotic consistency and correct uncertainty (e.g. coverage).