A zero-sum two-person Perfect Information Semi-Markov game (PISMG) under limiting ratio average payoff has a value and both the maximiser and the minimiser have optimal pure semi-stationary strategies. We arrive at the result by first fixing an arbitrary initial state and forming the matrix of undiscounted payoffs corresponding to each pair of pure stationary strategies of the two players and proving that this matrix has a pure saddle point.
翻译:限制比率平均回报率下的双人完美信息半马尔科夫(PISMG)游戏(PISMG)具有一定的价值,而最大值和最小值都有最佳的纯半静止策略。 我们通过首先确定一个任意的初始状态,形成一个与两个玩家的每对纯固定策略相对应的无折扣回报矩阵,并证明这个矩阵有一个纯马鞍点,从而得出了结果。