Congestion control algorithms rely on a variety of congestion signals (packet loss, Explicit Congestion Notification, delay, etc.) to achieve fast convergence, high utilization, and fairness among flows. A key limitation of these congestion signals is that they are either late in feedback or they incur significant overheads. An ideal congestion control must discover any available bandwidth in the network, detect congestion as soon as link utilization approaches full capacity, and react timely to avoid queuing and packet drops, without significant overheads. To this end, this work proposes Scout service that leverages priority queues to infer bandwidth availability and link busyness at the host. The key observation here is that as the high priority queue (HPQ) gets busier, the low priority queue (LPQ) is served less. Therefore, the state of the link can be observed from the LPQ and any congestion can be detected several RTTs earlier than observing the HPQ. We propose a new transport protocol, Double-Window Transmission Control Protocol (DWTCP) that builds upon the Scout service to dynamically adjust its congestion window. Our testbed and simulation-based evaluation demonstrates that Scout enables a data center transport to achieve high throughput, near-zero queues, lower latency, and high fairness.
翻译:拥堵控制算法依赖于各种拥堵信号( 包装丢失、 排挤通知、 延迟等), 以实现快速趋同、 高利用率和流量的公平性。 这些拥堵信号的一个关键限制是它们要么反馈晚, 要么产生大量间接费用。 理想的拥堵控制法必须发现网络中任何可用的带宽, 一旦连接利用率接近全容量, 即发现拥堵, 并及时反应以避免排挤和包装下降, 而不产生大量间接费用 。 为此, 这项工作提议提供童子军服务, 利用优先排列来推断带宽可用性和连接主机的忙碌。 这里的关键观察是, 随着高优先排队( HPQ) 繁忙, 低优先排队列( LPQ) 服务较少。 因此, 连接状态可以从 LPQ 中观察, 并且比观察 HPQ 更早一些 。 我们提出一个新的运输协议, 双线传输控制协议, 以童子军服务为基础, 以动态调整其拥塞窗口。 我们的测试室和模拟性高端评估显示, 能够通过高端运输中心实现高端的高度 。