On the Internet, sub-millisecond queueing delay and capacity-seeking have traditionally been considered mutually exclusive. We introduce a service that offers both: Low Latency Low Loss Scalable throughput (L4S). When tested under a wide range of conditions emulated on a testbed using real residential broadband equipment, queue delay remained both low (median 100--300 $\mu$s) and consistent (99th percentile below 2 ms even under highly dynamic workloads), without compromising other metrics (zero congestion loss and close to full utilization). L4S exploits the properties of `Scalable' congestion controls (e.g., DCTCP, TCP Prague). Flows using such congestion control are however very aggressive, which causes a deployment challenge as L4S has to coexist with so-called `Classic' flows (e.g., Reno, CUBIC). This paper introduces an architectural solution: `Dual Queue Coupled Active Queue Management', which enables balance between Scalable and Classic flows. It counterbalances the more aggressive response of Scalable flows with more aggressive marking, without having to inspect flow identifiers. The Dual Queue structure has been implemented as a Linux queuing discipline. It acts like a semi-permeable membrane, isolating the latency of Scalable and `Classic' traffic, but coupling their capacity into a single bandwidth pool. This paper justifies the design and implementation choices, and visualizes a representative selection of hundreds of thousands of experiment runs to test our claims.
翻译:在互联网上,二度以下的排队延误和寻找能力传统上被认为是相互排斥的。我们引入了一种两种服务:低缓冲低损失可缩缩缩输流量(L4S),在使用真正的住宅宽带设备的测试台进行广泛测试时,排队延误仍然很低(中位数100-300美元),而且始终(即使工作量高度动态,也低于2米以下的99个百分点),同时不损害其他标准(零拥塞损失和接近于充分利用)。L4S利用了“可缩缩缩”的拥堵控制(例如,DCTCP、TCP布拉格)的特性。 使用这种拥堵控制的各种条件进行测试时,仍然非常具有侵略性,因为L4S不得不与所谓的“Classic”流动(例如,Reno,CUBIC)共存。本文提出了一种建筑学解决方案:“可塑性通缩缩缩缩缩略图,但能平衡可缩略图与可缩略图(例如,DCTCP、TCP布拉格)的通缩。