Markov networks are popular models for discrete multivariate systems where the dependence structure of the variables is specified by an undirected graph. To allow for more expressive dependence structures, several generalizations of Markov networks have been proposed. Here we consider the class of contextual Markov networks which takes into account possible context-specific independences among pairs of variables. Structure learning of contextual Markov networks is very challenging due to the extremely large number of possible structures. One of the main challenges has been to design a score, by which a structure can be assessed in terms of model fit related to complexity, without assuming chordality. Here we introduce the marginal pseudo-likelihood as an analytically tractable criterion for general contextual Markov networks. Our criterion is shown to yield a consistent structure estimator. Experiments demonstrate the favorable properties of our method in terms of predictive accuracy of the inferred models.
翻译:Markov 网络是离散多变体系的流行模型,其中变量的依附结构由非方向图表指定。为了允许更显眼的依附结构,提出了若干Markov 网络的概括性建议。在这里,我们考虑了背景的Markov 网络类别,其中考虑到不同变量之间可能的因地制宜的独立性。由于可能的结构数量极多,对背景的Markov 网络的结构学习非常具有挑战性。主要挑战之一是设计一个评分,通过评分,可以按照与复杂性相关的模型来评估一个结构,而不必假定杂交性。在这里,我们引入边缘的伪相似性,作为一般随地Markov 网络可分析的可移动标准。我们的标准显示产生一个一致的结构估量符。实验表明,从推断模型的预测准确性来看,我们的方法具有有利的特性。