Many types of analytics on personal data can be made differentially private, thus alleviating concerns about the privacy of individuals. However, no platform currently exists that can technically prevent data leakage and misuse with minimal trust assumptions; as a result, analytics that would be in the public interest are not done in liberal societies. To bridge this gap, we present secure selective analytics (SSA), where data sources can a priori restrict the use of their data to a pre-defined set of privacy-preserving analytics queries performed by a specific group of analysts, and for a limited period. Furthermore, we show that a scalable SSA platform can be built in a strong threat model based on minimal trust. Technically, our SSA platform, CoVault, relies on a minimal trust implementation of functional encryption (FE), using a combination of secret sharing, secure multi-party computation (MPC), and trusted execution environments (TEEs). CoVault tolerates the compromise of a subset of TEE implementations as well as side channels. Despite the high cost of MPC, we show that CoVault scales to very large databases using map-reduce-based query parallelization. For example, we show that CoVault can perform queries relevant to epidemic analytics for a country of 80M using about 8000 cores, which is tolerable given the high value of such analytics.
翻译:个人数据的许多类型的分析可以以不同的方式进行私人分析,从而减轻对个人隐私的关切。然而,目前没有在技术上能够防止数据泄漏和滥用的平台,而且只有最低信任假设;因此,自由社会没有进行符合公众利益的分析;为了缩小这一差距,我们提出了安全的选择性分析(SSA),数据来源可以先验地将数据的使用限制在一套预先确定的保密分析查询中,在一定的时期内可以减少对个人隐私的担忧。此外,我们表明,在最低限度信任的基础上,可以在一个强大的威胁模型中建立可扩缩的SSA平台;从技术上讲,我们的SSA平台(CoVault)依靠最低限度的信任执行功能加密(FE),使用秘密共享、安全的多方计算(MPC)和可信任的执行环境(TEE)的组合。 CoVault容忍由特定分析组执行的一组可保密分析以及附带渠道的妥协。尽管MPC成本很高,但我们显示,使用80个高价值的CVault 级数据库可以使用80个高价值的Col-hotical 查询,我们可以用80个高价值进行高额的C-cal-cal-croducal-exexexexexex 来显示80个高度的Cal-