In this paper, we consider the generation and utilization of helper data for physical unclonable functions (PUFs) that provide real-valued readout symbols. Compared to classical binary PUFs, more entropy can be extracted from each basic building block (PUF node), resulting in longer keys/fingerprints and/or a higher reliability. To this end, a coded modulation and signal shaping scheme that matches the (approximately) Gaussian distribution of the readout has to be employed. A new helper data scheme is proposed that works with any type of coded modulation/shaping scheme. Compared to the permutation scheme from the literature, less amount of helper data has to be generated and a higher reliability is achieved. Moreover, the recently proposed idea of a two-metric helper data scheme is generalized to coded modulation and a general S-metric scheme. It is shown how extra helper data can be generated to improve decodability. The proposed schemes are assessed by numerical simulations and by evaluation of measurement data. We compare multi-level codes using a new rate design strategy with bit-interleaved coded modulation and trellis shaping with a distribution matcher. By selecting a suitable design, the rate per PUF node that can be reliably extracted can be as high as 2~bit/node.