We describe a new tool, KATKA, that stores a phylogenetic tree $T$ such that later, given a pattern $P [1..m]$ and an integer $k$, it can quickly return the root of the smallest subtree of $T$ containing all the genomes in which the $k$-mer $P [i..i + k - 1]$ occurs, for $1 \leq i \leq m - k + 1$. This is similar to KRAKEN's functionality but with $k$ given at query time instead of at construction time.
翻译:我们描述了一种新工具,即KATKA,它储存了一棵植物基因树$T美元,这样,以后,考虑到一个型式的$P[1.m]美元和整数的美元,它可以很快地返回含有美元[一+k-1]美元[一+k-1]美元发生的所有基因组的最小亚树根,即1美元\leq i\leqm - k+1美元。这与KRAKEN的功能类似,但在查询时间而不是施工时间给出了美元。