Trigger-action platforms are a new type of system that connect IoT devices with web services. For example, the popular IFTTT platform can connect Fitbit with Google Calendar to add a bedtime reminder based on sleep history. However, these platforms present confidentiality and integrity risks as they run on public cloud infrastructure and compute over sensitive user data. This paper describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of Walnut, a low-trust trigger-action platform that mimics the functionality of IFTTT, while ensuring confidentiality of data and correctness of computation, at a low resource cost. The key enabler for Walnut is a new two-party secure computation protocol that (i) efficiently performs strings substitutions, which is a common computation in trigger-action platform workloads, and (ii) replicates computation over heterogeneous trusted-hardware machines from different vendors to ensure correctness of computation output as long as one of the machines is not compromised. An evaluation of Walnut demonstrates its plausible deployability and low overhead relative to a non-secure baseline--3.6x in CPU and 4.3x in network for all but a small percentage of programs.
翻译:触发平台是一种新型的系统,将IoTT设备与网络服务连接起来。例如,广受欢迎的IFTTT平台可以将Fitbit与Google日历连接起来,以根据睡眠历史添加一个床位提醒。然而,这些平台在公共云层基础设施运行时存在保密性和完整性风险,并且对敏感的用户数据进行计算。本文描述了Walnut的设计、实施和评价,Walnut是一个模仿IFTT的功能的低信任触发动作平台,同时确保数据的保密性和计算正确性,同时以较低的资源成本。Walnut的关键推进器是一个新的双方安全计算协议,它(一) 高效地执行字符替换,这是触发动作平台工作量的常见计算,(二) 复制不同供应商的多功能性、可信赖的硬件机器,以确保计算输出的正确性,只要其中一台机器不受损。对Walnute的评估表明,它对于网络中除一小部分程序以外的所有程序来说,其可合理部署性以及相对于一个不可靠的基线-3.6x和4.3x的不可靠的间接间接费用而言是低的。