This paper introduces a preconditioned convex splitting algorithm enhanced with line search techniques for nonconvex optimization problems. The algorithm utilizes second-order backward differentiation formulas (BDF) for the implicit and linear components and the Adams-Bashforth scheme for the nonlinear and explicit parts of the gradient flow in variational functions. The proposed algorithm, resembling a generalized difference-of-convex-function approach, involves a changing set of convex functions in each iteration. It integrates the Armijo line search strategy to improve performance. The study also discusses classical preconditioners such as symmetric Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi, and Richardson within this context. The global convergence of the algorithm is established through the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz properties, ensuring convergence within a finite number of preconditioned iterations. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed second-order convex splitting with line search over conventional difference-of-convex-function algorithms.