We consider the high-dimensional linear regression model and assume that a fraction of the measurements are altered by an adversary with complete knowledge of the data and the underlying distribution. We are interested in a scenario where dense additive noise is heavy-tailed while the measurement vectors follow a sub-Gaussian distribution. Within this framework, we establish minimax lower bounds for the performance of an arbitrary estimator that depend on the the fraction of corrupted observations as well as the tail behavior of the additive noise. Moreover, we design a modification of the so-called Square-Root Slope estimator with several desirable features: (a) it is provably robust to adversarial contamination, and satisfies performance guarantees in the form of sub-Gaussian deviation inequalities that match the lower error bounds, up to logarithmic factors; (b) it is fully adaptive with respect to the unknown sparsity level and the variance of the additive noise, and (c) it is computationally tractable as a solution of a convex optimization problem. To analyze performance of the proposed estimator, we prove several properties of matrices with sub-Gaussian rows that may be of independent interest.