The Internet of Senses (IoS) holds the promise of flawless telepresence-style communication for all human `receptors' and therefore blurs the difference of virtual and real environments. We commence by highlighting the compelling use cases empowered by the IoS and also the key network requirements. We then elaborate on how the emerging semantic communications and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) paradigms along with 6G technologies may satisfy the requirements of IoS use cases. On one hand, semantic communications can be applied for extracting meaningful and significant information and hence efficiently exploit the resources and for harnessing a priori information at the receiver to satisfy IoS requirements. On the other hand, AI/ML facilitates frugal network resource management by making use of the enormous amount of data generated in IoS edge nodes and devices, as well as by optimizing the IoS performance via intelligent agents. However, the intelligent agents deployed at the edge are not completely aware of each others' decisions and the environments of each other, hence they operate in a partially rather than fully observable environment. Therefore, we present a case study of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) for improving the User Equipment (UE) throughput and energy consumption, as they are imperative for IoS use cases, using Reinforcement Learning for astutely activating and deactivating the component carriers in carrier aggregation. Finally, we outline the challenges and open issues of IoS implementations and employing semantic communications, edge intelligence as well as learning under partial observability in the IoS context.
翻译:互联网 Senses (Ioses) 具有为所有人类“受访者”提供完美无瑕的远程感官式通信的希望,因此模糊了虚拟和真实环境的差别。我们首先强调由IosS 授权的强制使用案例以及关键的网络要求。然后我们阐述新兴的语义通信和人工智能(AI)/Machine Learning(ML)模式以及6G技术如何能够满足IosS 使用案例的要求。一方面,语义智能通信可以用于提取有意义和重要的信息,从而有效地利用资源,利用接收者的预知性信息满足Ios的要求。另一方面,AI/ML通过使用IOS 边缘节点和装置生成的大量数据,并通过智能剂优化IOS 的性能。然而,在边缘部署的智能代理人并不完全了解对方的决定和环境,因此它们可以在部分而不是完全可观测的环境里操作,因此,AI/ML促进网络的节节流资源管理,我们用S 将S 部分的系统案例研究作为Sdevicreal IML 和S IMV (S) 用于S IMV IMV (我们 IMO IMO) 的快速的快速的快速的案例研究中,我们使用S) 和S 的快速的案例研究的案例研究中, 。