Wireless systems are of paramount importance for providing ubiquitous data transmission for smart cities. However, due to the broadcasting and openness of wireless channels, such systems face potential security challenges. UAV-assisted covert communication is a supporting technology for improving covert performances and has become a hot issue in the research of wireless communication security. This paper investigates the performance of joint covert and security communication in a tow-hop UAV-assisted wireless system, where a source transmits the covert message to a destination with the help of an untrusted UAV. We first design a transmission scheme such that use UAVs to assist in covert communications while ensuring the security of covert messages. Then, we develop a theoretical model to derive the expressions for the detection error probability of the warden and the covert and security rate, and the maximum covert and security rate is optimized by power control under a given covertness and security requirements. Finally, numerical results are provided to illustrate our theoretical analysis and the performance of covert and security communication in such systems.