The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused large scale destruction, significant loss of life, and the displacement of millions of people. Besides those fleeing direct conflict in Ukraine, many individuals in Russia are also thought to have moved to third countries. In particular the exodus of skilled human capital, sometimes called brain drain, out of Russia may have a significant effect on the course of the war and the Russian economy in the long run. Yet quantifying brain drain, especially during crisis situations is generally difficult. This hinders our ability to understand its drivers and to anticipate its consequences. To address this gap, I draw on and extend a large scale dataset of the locations of highly active software developers collected in February 2021, one year before the invasion. Revisiting those developers that had been located in Russia in 2021, I confirm an ongoing exodus of developers from Russia in snapshots taken in June and November 2022. By November 11.1% of Russian developers list a new country, compared with 2.8% of developers from comparable countries in the region but not directly involved in the conflict. 13.2% of Russian developers have obscured their location (vs. 2.4% in the comparison set). Developers leaving Russia were significantly more active and central in the collaboration network than those who remain. This suggests that many of the most important developers have already left Russia. In some receiving countries the number of arrivals is significant: I estimate an increase in the number of local software developers of 42% in Armenia, 60% in Cyprus and 94% in Georgia.
翻译:俄罗斯入侵乌克兰造成大规模破坏、重大生命损失和数百万人流离失所。除了那些逃离乌克兰直接冲突的人外,俄罗斯的许多个人被认为也迁移到第三国。特别是熟练的人力资本外流,有时被称为人才外流,从长远看,俄罗斯可能给战争进程和俄罗斯经济造成重大影响。然而,量化人才外流,特别是在危机局势中,一般是困难的。这妨碍了我们理解其驱动因素和预测其后果的能力。为了弥补这一差距,我抽取并扩展了2021年2月42日,即入侵前一年收集的高度活跃软件开发商所在地的大规模数据集。重新审视2021年在俄罗斯的这些开发商,有时称为人才外流,从俄罗斯可能长期对战争进程和俄罗斯经济产生重大影响。截至11月11日,俄罗斯开发商名单中新国家的比例为2.8%,而该区域可比国家但没有直接卷入冲突的开发商则占2.8%。13.2%的俄罗斯开发商的地址模糊不清(在比较设定的年份为2.4% ) 。俄罗斯的开发商中已有60 % 。俄罗斯的开发商在接受大量合作网络中,在俄罗斯的研发商中仍然占重要比例。