In the well-known complexity class NP are combinatorial problems, whose optimization counterparts are important for many practical settings. These problems typically consider full knowledge about the input. In practical settings, however, uncertainty in the input data is a usual phenomenon, whereby this is normally not covered in optimization versions of NP problems. One concept to model the uncertainty in the input data, is recoverable robustness. The instance of the recoverable robust version of a combinatorial problem P is split into a base scenario \sigma_0 and an uncertainty scenario set \textsf{S}. The base scenario and all members of the uncertainty scenario set are instances of the original combinatorial problem P. The task is to calculate a solution \texttt{s}_0 for the base scenario \sigma_0 and solutions \texttt{s} for all uncertainty scenarios \sigma \in \textsf{S} such that \texttt{s}_0 and \texttt{s} are not too far away from each other according to a distance measure, so \texttt{s}_0 can be easily adapted to \texttt{s}. This paper introduces Hamming Distance Recoverable Robustness, in which solutions \texttt{s}_0 and \texttt{s} have to be calculated, such that \texttt{s}_0 and \texttt{s} may only differ in at most $\kappa$ elements. We survey the complexity of Hamming distance recoverable robust versions of optimization problems, typically found in NP for different scenario encodings. The complexity is primarily situated in the lower levels of the polynomial hierarchy. The main contribution of the paper is a gadget reduction framework that shows that the recoverable robust versions of problems in a large class of combinatorial problems is \Sigma^P_{3}-complete. This class includes problems such as VC, SS or HC. Additionally, we expand the results to \Sigma^P_{2m+1}-completeness of recoverable robust problems for m \in \mathbb{N} recoveries.
翻译:在已知的复杂类 NP 中, 具有可回收性的概念是稳健性。 V- comminate 问题 P 的示例被分割成一个基础假想, 其优化对应方案对许多实际设置很重要。 这些问题通常会考虑对输入的完全知识。 但在实际设置中, 输入数据的不确定性是一种常见现象, 而这通常不包含在最优化的 NP 问题版本中。 一个用于模拟输入数据的不确定性的概念, 是可恢复性。 V- 组合问题 P 的示例将分为一个基础假想 \ sigma_ 0 和 设置一个不确定性的假想方案 { textf{ { textf{S} 。 基础假想和所有不确定性的所有成员都是原始的 。 智能的常识 ===listal =% 0 和 listal 版本中, 可以很容易地将这种变现的变现的变现 。