We initiate a study of the streaming complexity of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) when the constraints arrive in a random order. We show that there exists a CSP, namely $\textsf{Max-DICUT}$, for which random ordering makes a provable difference. Whereas a $4/9 \approx 0.445$ approximation of $\textsf{DICUT}$ requires $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$ space with adversarial ordering, we show that with random ordering of constraints there exists a $0.48$-approximation algorithm that only needs $O(\log n)$ space. We also give new algorithms for $\textsf{Max-DICUT}$ in variants of the adversarial ordering setting. Specifically, we give a two-pass $O(\log n)$ space $0.48$-approximation algorithm for general graphs and a single-pass $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})$ space $0.48$-approximation algorithm for bounded degree graphs. On the negative side, we prove that CSPs where the satisfying assignments of the constraints support a one-wise independent distribution require $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$-space for any non-trivial approximation, even when the constraints are randomly ordered. This was previously known only for adversarially ordered constraints. Extending the results to randomly ordered constraints requires switching the hard instances from a union of random matchings to simple Erd\"os-Renyi random (hyper)graphs and extending tools that can perform Fourier analysis on such instances. The only CSP to have been considered previously with random ordering is $\textsf{Max-CUT}$ where the ordering is not known to change the approximability. Specifically it is known to be as hard to approximate with random ordering as with adversarial ordering, for $o(\sqrt{n})$ space algorithms. Our results show a richer variety of possibilities and motivate further study of CSPs with randomly ordered constraints.
翻译:当限制以随机顺序到达时, 我们开始研究限制满意度问题的复杂性。 我们显示存在一个 CSP, 即 $\ textsf{ Max- DICUT} $, 随机订购使差异变化。 4/ 9\ approx 0.445$ $\ textsf{ DICUT} $, 需要为普通图形提供2pass $O( log n) 0. 48$- apprology 。 我们显示, 在随机排序限制的情况下, 存在一个 0. 48$- approclation 算法, 只需要为 $O( log n) 。 使用 Orrrmal- sqrassion 算法, 只能用 Oxlorral- excional exlistal exlistal listal expressations.