We introduce a unified framework of symmetric resonance based schemes which preserve central symmetries of the underlying PDE. We extend the resonance decorated trees approach introduced in arXiv:2005.01649 to a richer framework by exploring novel ways of iterating Duhamel's formula, capturing the dominant parts while interpolating the lower parts of the resonances in a symmetric manner. This gives a general class of new numerical schemes with more degrees of freedom than the original scheme from arXiv:2005.01649. To encapsulate the central structures we develop new forest formulae that contain the previous class of schemes and derive conditions on their coefficients in order to obtain symmetric schemes. These forest formulae echo the one used in Quantum Field Theory for renormalising Feynman diagrams and the one used for the renormalisation of singular SPDEs via the theory of Regularity Structures. These new algebraic tools not only provide a nice parametrisation of the previous resonance based integrators but also allow us to find new symmetric schemes with remarkable structure preservation properties even at very low regularity.