The cellular-connected drone market is one of the most promising markets of 5G. However, it still accounts for a small share of overall telecommunication market, and it is unlikely to increase significantly for the foreseeable future. Deploying dedicated network with up-tilted antennas can be an option, but the monetary cost of dedicated network directly impacts the acceptance of mobile operators. Therefore, cost-efficient aerial coverage solutions must be developed. Reusing network for terrestrial coverage is a cost-efficient approach for aerial coverage, but several critical challenges caused by antenna sidelobe should be solved. In this paper, a novel method for aerial coverage is proposed. By tweaking the measurement report handling mechanism, signals from sidelobes reported by drones above the predefined height can be identified and ignored. Simulation results show that the conventional cellular network with the proposed method can provide wide and continuous aerial coverage with satisfactory quality.
翻译:手机连接的无人机市场是5G最有希望的市场之一。 然而,它仍然占整个电信市场的一小部分,在可预见的将来不太可能大幅增长。 部署配备上层天线的专门网络可以是一个选项,但专门网络的货币成本直接影响移动运营商的接受。 因此,必须开发成本效益高的空中覆盖解决方案。 重新使用地面覆盖网络是空中覆盖的成本效益高的方法,但天线侧边环引起的若干关键挑战应该得到解决。 本文提出了一个新的空中覆盖方法。 通过调整测量报告处理机制,可以识别和忽略无人机在预定高度以上报告的侧边站信号。 模拟结果表明,采用拟议方法的常规移动电话网络可以提供广泛和连续的高质量空中覆盖。