Memory designs require timing margins to compensate for aging and fabrication process variations. With technology downscaling, aging mechanisms became more apparent, and larger margins are considered necessary. This, in return, means a larger area requirement and lower performance for the memory. Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) is one of the main contributors to aging, which slows down transistors and ultimately causes permanent faults. In this paper, first, we propose a low-cost aging mitigation scheme, which can be applied to existing hardware to mitigate aging on memory address decoder logic. We mitigate the BTI effect on critical transistors by applying a rejuvenation workload to the memory. Such an auxiliary workload is executed periodically to rejuvenate transistors that are located on critical paths of the address decoder. Second, we analyze workloads' efficiency to optimize the mitigation scheme. Experimental results performed with realistic benchmarks demonstrate several-times lifetime extension with a negligible execution overhead.
翻译:内存设计需要时间间距来补偿老化和制造过程的变化。 随着技术的缩小, 老龄化机制变得更加明显, 并且认为更大的边际是必要的。 这反过来意味着更大的区域要求和记忆性能降低。 双温性不稳( BTI)是造成老化的主要原因之一, 加速晶体管, 最终造成永久缺陷。 在本文中, 首先, 我们提出一个低成本的老化减缓计划, 它可以应用到现有的硬件中, 以缓解记忆地址解码逻辑上的老化。 我们通过对记忆进行恢复工作量来减轻BTI对关键晶体管的影响。 这种辅助工作量定期执行, 以恢复位于地址解码器关键路径上的晶体管。 其次, 我们分析工作量的效率, 以优化缓解计划。 以现实基准进行的实验结果显示, 几度的寿命延长, 以微不足道的执行间接费用 。