This paper examines the performance trade-offs between an introduced linear flexibility market model for congestion management and a benchmark second-order cone programming (SOCP) formulation. The linear market model incorporates voltage magnitudes and reactive powers, while providing a simpler formulation than the SOCP model, which enables its practical implementation. The paper provides a structured comparison of the two formulations relying on developed deterministic and statistical Monte Carlo case analyses using two distribution test systems (the Matpower 69-bus and 141-bus systems). The case analyses show that with the increasing spread of offered flexibility throughout the system, the linear formulation increasingly preserves the reliability of the computed system variables as compared to the SOCP formulation, while more lenient imposed voltage limits can improve the approximation of prices and power flows at the expense of a less accurate computation of voltage magnitudes.
翻译:本文件审查了采用线性灵活市场模式进行拥堵管理与基准二阶锥形方案拟定之间的业绩权衡。线性市场模式包括电压量和反应力,同时比SOCP模式提供比SOCP模式更简单的配方,使其得以实际实施。本文件对两个基于利用两个分配测试系统(Matpower 69-bus和141-bus系统)进行成熟的确定性和统计性蒙特卡洛案例分析的配方进行了结构化比较。案例分析表明,随着所提供的灵活性在全系统的日益普及,线性配方与SOCP模式相比,日益保持计算系统变量的可靠性,而较宽松的压量限制可以改善价格和电力流量的近似,而牺牲了不精确的电压量计算。