The success of deep learning hinges on enormous data and large models, which require labor-intensive annotations and heavy computation costs. Subset selection is a fundamental problem that can play a key role in identifying smaller portions of the training data, which can then be used to produce similar models as the ones trained with full data. Two prior methods are shown to achieve impressive results: (1) margin sampling that focuses on selecting points with high uncertainty, and (2) core-sets or clustering methods such as k-center for informative and diverse subsets. We are not aware of any work that combines these methods in a principled manner. To this end, we develop a novel and efficient factor 3-approximation algorithm to compute subsets based on the weighted sum of both k-center and uncertainty sampling objective functions. To handle large datasets, we show a parallel algorithm to run on multiple machines with approximation guarantees. The proposed algorithm achieves similar or better performance compared to other strong baselines on vision datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet.