We consider the problem of automatically decomposing operations over tensors or arrays so that they can be executed in parallel on multiple devices. We address two, closely-linked questions. First, what programming abstraction should systems for tensor-based computing offer to enable such decompositions? Second, given that abstraction, how should such systems automatically decompose a tensor-based computation? We assert that tensor-based systems should offer a programming abstraction based on an extended Einstein summation notation, which is a fully declarative, mathematical specification for tensor computations. We show that any computation specified in the Einstein summation notation can be re-written into an equivalent tensor-relational computation, and this re-write generalizes existing notations of tensor parallelism such as "data parallel'' and "model parallel.'' We consider the algorithmic problem of optimally computing a tensor-relational decomposition of a graph of operations specified in our extended Einstein summation notation, and we experimentally show the value of the algorithm that we develop.