Organic neuromorphic device networks can accelerate neural network algorithms and directly integrate with microfluidic systems or living tissues. Proposed devices based on the bio-compatible conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS have shown high switching speeds and low energy demand. However, as electrochemical systems, they are prone to self-discharge through parasitic electrochemical reactions. Therefore, the network's synapses forget their trained conductance states over time. This work integrates single-device high-resolution charge transport models to simulate neuromorphic device networks and analyze the impact of self-discharge on network performance. Simulation of a single-layer nine-pixel image classification network reveals no significant impact of self-discharge on training efficiency. And, even though the network's weights drift significantly during self-discharge, its predictions remain 100\% accurate for over ten hours. On the other hand, a multi-layer network for the approximation of the circle function is shown to degrade significantly over twenty minutes with a final mean-squared-error loss of 0.4. We propose to counter the effect by periodically reminding the network based on a map between a synapse's current state, the time since the last reminder, and the weight drift. We show that this method with a map obtained through validated simulations can reduce the effective loss to below 0.1 even with worst-case assumptions. Finally, while the training of this network is affected by self-discharge, a good classification is still obtained. Electrochemical organic neuromorphic devices have not been integrated into larger device networks. This work predicts their behavior under nonideal conditions, mitigates the worst-case effects of parasitic self-discharge, and opens the path toward implementing fast and efficient neural networks on organic neuromorphic hardware.
翻译:有机神经畸形装置网络可以加速神经网络算法, 并直接与微氟化系统或活组织融合。 以生物兼容导导聚合聚合 PEDOT: PSSS 显示的高转换速度和低能源需求。 然而, 电化学系统很容易通过寄生虫电化学反应自行排放。 因此, 网络突触会逐渐忘记它们经过训练的导导电状态。 这项工作将单分导高分辨的高分量运输模型整合到模拟神经畸形装置网络, 分析自爆对网络性能的影响。 模拟单层九分像素图像分类网络的模拟显示自爆速度和低能量需求。 尽管电化学化学系统在自发反应过程中的重量会大幅下降, 但网络的预测在10小时内会保持准确度。 另一方面, 循环功能偏近的多层网络会明显退化超过20分钟, 最终的中位分解神经神经神经元系统功能的下降 。 我们提议, 更糟糕的自译九分像图像网络的模拟效果是, 我们通过定期提醒网络在最后的轨道运行中 快速进行 流流测算。