To succeed in their objectives, groups of individuals must be able to make quick and accurate collective decisions on the best among alternatives with different qualities. Group-living animals aim to do that all the time. Plants and fungi are thought to do so too. Swarms of autonomous robots can also be programmed to make best-of-n decisions for solving tasks collaboratively. Ultimately, humans critically need it and so many times they should be better at it! Despite their simplicity, mathematical tractability made models like the voter model (VM) and the local majority rule model (MR) useful to describe in simple terms such collective decision-making processes. To reach a consensus, individuals change their opinion by interacting with neighbours in their social network. At least among animals and robots, options with a better quality are exchanged more often and therefore spread faster than lower-quality options, leading to the collective selection of the best option. With our work, we study the impact of individuals making errors in pooling others' opinions caused, for example, to reduce the cognitive load. Our analysis in grounded on the introduction of a model that generalises the two existing VM and MR models, showing a speed-accuracy trade-off regulated by the cognitive effort of individuals. We also investigate the impact of the interaction network topology on the collective dynamics. To do so, we extend our model and, by using the heterogeneous mean-field approach, we show that another speed-accuracy trade-off is regulated by network connectivity. An interesting result is that reduced network connectivity corresponds to an increase in collective decision accuracy