It is widely acknowledged that discriminative representation for speaker verification can be extracted from verbal speech. However, how much speaker information that non-verbal vocalization carries is still a puzzle. This paper explores speaker verification based on the most ubiquitous form of non-verbal voice, laughter. First, we use a semi-automatic pipeline to collect a new Haha-Pod dataset from open-source podcast media. The dataset contains over 240 speakers' laughter clips with corresponding high-quality verbal speech. Second, we propose a Two-Stage Teacher-Student (2S-TS) framework to minimize the within-speaker embedding distance between verbal and non-verbal (laughter) signals. Considering Haha-Pod as a test set, two trials (S2L-Eval) are designed to verify the speaker's identity through laugh sounds. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can significantly improve the performance of the S2L-Eval test set with only a minor degradation on the VoxCeleb1 test set. The Haha-Pod dataset is open to access on