In adversarial learning, discriminator often fails to guide the generator successfully since it distinguishes between real and generated images using silly or non-robust features. To alleviate this problem, this brief presents a simple but effective way that improves the performance of generative adversarial network (GAN) without imposing the training overhead or modifying the network architectures of existing methods. The proposed method employs a novel cascading rejection (CR) module for discriminator, which extracts multiple non-overlapped features in an iterative manner using the vector rejection operation. Since the extracted diverse features prevent the discriminator from concentrating on non-meaningful features, the discriminator can guide the generator effectively to produce the images that are more similar to the real images. In addition, since the proposed CR module requires only a few simple vector operations, it can be readily applied to existing frameworks with marginal training overheads. Quantitative evaluations on various datasets including CIFAR-10, CelebA, CelebA-HQ, LSUN, and tiny-ImageNet confirm that the proposed method significantly improves the performance of GAN and conditional GAN in terms of Frechet inception distance (FID) indicating the diversity and visual appearance of the generated images.
翻译:在对抗性学习中,歧视者往往无法成功地指导生成者,因为歧视者使用愚蠢的或非野蛮的特征对真实和生成的图像加以区分。为了缓解这一问题,本摘要提供了一个简单而有效的方法,可以改进基因对抗网络(GAN)的性能,而不必强加培训间接费用或修改现有方法的网络结构。拟议方法对歧视者采用一种新型的分层排斥模块,该模块利用矢量拒绝操作以迭接方式提取多种非重叠特征。由于所提取的不同功能使歧视者无法集中关注非故意特征,因此歧视者可以有效地指导生成与真实图像更相似的图像。此外,由于拟议的CR模块只需要少数简单的矢量操作,因此可以很容易地适用于现有框架,同时提供边际培训间接费用。对各种数据集,包括CIFAR-10、CelibA、CelibA-HQ、LSUN和小ImageNet进行定量评价,从而证实拟议方法大大改进了GAN的性能,并在Frechet初始生成的图像中显示有条件的GAN图像(FIDS) 。