In this paper, we study the problem of shape-programming of incompressible hyperelastic shells through differential growth. The aim of the current work is to determine the growth tensor (or growth functions) that can produce the deformation of a shell to the desired shape. First, a consistent finite-strain shell theory is introduced. The shell equation system is established from the 3D governing system through a series expansion and truncation approach. Based on the shell theory, the problem of shape-programming is studied under the stress-free assumption. For a special case in which the parametric coordinate curves generate a net of curvature lines on the target surface, the sufficient condition to ensure the vanishing of the stress components is analyzed, from which the explicit expression of the growth tensor can be derived. In the general case, we conduct the variable changes and derive the total growth tensor by considering a two-step deformation of the shell. With these obtained results, a general theoretical scheme for shape-programming of thin hyperelastic shells through differential growth is proposed. To demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed scheme, several nature-inspired examples are studied. The derived growth tensors in these examples have also been implemented in the numerical simulations to verify their correctness and accuracy. The simulation results show that the target shapes of the shell samples can be recovered completely. The scheme for shape-programming proposed in the current work is helpful in designing and manufacturing intelligent soft devices.
翻译:在本文中,我们研究了通过差异增长对不压缩的超弹性贝壳进行形状方案化的问题。当前工作的目的是确定能够使外壳变形到理想形状的增速强(或增长功能)的增速强度(或增长功能),以便确定能够使外壳变形到理想形状的增速(或增长功能)的特性。首先,引入了一致的有限阵列贝壳理论。贝壳方程式系统是通过一系列扩张和减速方法从 3D 治理系统中建立起来的。根据外壳理论,在无压力假设下研究形状方案化问题。对于一个参数协调曲线在目标表面产生曲线网的特殊情况,对确保压力组成部分消失到理想形状的充分条件进行了分析,从中可以推断出增长振动阵列的清晰表现。在一般情况下,我们通过考虑对外壳的两步变变变,从整体增长变速中得出一个通过差异增长变速变速变速变速变速法化。根据获得的假设,提出了通过差异增长变速变速变速变速变速变速变速变速变速变速法的理论方法。在目标表面变速变速变速变速变速器表面变速变速变速器中生成变速曲线变速曲线变速。为了精变速变速法变速。在目标表面变速法变速变速变速率模型变速法的变速率中,在模拟模型中,在模拟模型变速法变法模型变法变法变法模型变法变法变法变法变法变法的模型中,在模拟法变法变法变法模型模型变法变法化的模型中,在模拟法变法变法模型变法模型模型中,在模拟法变法的模型中,在模拟法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法模型中,在模拟法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变法变