In multi-label classification, where a single example may be associated with several class labels at the same time, the ability to model dependencies between labels is considered crucial to effectively optimize non-decomposable evaluation measures, such as the Subset 0/1 loss. The gradient boosting framework provides a well-studied foundation for learning models that are specifically tailored to such a loss function and recent research attests the ability to achieve high predictive accuracy in the multi-label setting. The utilization of second-order derivatives, as used by many recent boosting approaches, helps to guide the minimization of non-decomposable losses, due to the information about pairs of labels it incorporates into the optimization process. On the downside, this comes with high computational costs, even if the number of labels is small. In this work, we address the computational bottleneck of such approach -- the need to solve a system of linear equations -- by integrating a novel approximation technique into the boosting procedure. Based on the derivatives computed during training, we dynamically group the labels into a predefined number of bins to impose an upper bound on the dimensionality of the linear system. Our experiments, using an existing rule-based algorithm, suggest that this may boost the speed of training, without any significant loss in predictive performance.
翻译:在多标签分类中,一个单一的例子可能同时与几个类标签相关,因此,在标签之间建模依赖性的能力被认为对于有效优化非互不兼容的评价措施至关重要,如Subset 0/1损失。梯度增强框架为专门针对这种损失功能而设计的学习模型提供了良好的研究基础。最近的研究证明,在多标签设置中实现高预测准确性的能力。使用二阶衍生物,正如最近许多推进方法所使用的那样,有助于指导如何尽量减少不可分损失,因为关于标签纳入优化进程的对组的信息。在下方,这会带来很高的计算成本,即使标签数量很小。在这项工作中,我们处理这种方法的计算瓶颈 -- -- 需要将新的近似技术纳入提振程序来解决线性方程系统。根据培训过程中计算出来的衍生物,我们动态地将标签分组成一个预定义的硬箱数,以在不以线性速度进行我们现有规则的推进性能的升级。