We introduce a transition system based specification of cyber-physical systems whose semantics is compositional with respect to a family of algebraic products. We give sufficient conditions for execution of a product to be correctly implemented by a lazy expansion of the product construction. The transition system algebra is implemented in the Maude rewriting logic system, and we report a simple case study illustrating compositional specification.
翻译:我们引入基于过渡系统规格的网络物理系统,其语义与代数产品组的构成有关,我们为产品的执行提供了充分的条件,以便通过产品制造的懒惰扩张来正确执行产品。 过渡系统代数是在毛德重写逻辑系统中实施的,我们报告了一个简单的案例研究,说明组成说明。