We introduce a new algorithm for solving unconstrained discrete-time optimal control problems. Our method follows a direct multiple shooting approach, and consists of applying the SQP method together with an $\ell_2$ augmented Lagrangian primal-dual merit function. We use the LQR algorithm to efficiently solve the primal component of the Newton-KKT system, and use a dual LQR backward pass to solve its dual component. We also present a new parallel algorithm for solving the dual component of the Newton-KKT system in $O(\log(N))$ parallel time, where $N$ is the number of stages. Combining it with (S\"{a}rkk\"{a} and Garc\'{i}a-Fern\'{a}ndez, 2023), we are able to solve the full Newton-KKT system in $O(\log(N))$ parallel time. The remaining parts of our method have constant parallel time complexity per iteration. Therefore, this paper provides, for the first time, a practical, highly parallelizable (for example, with a GPU) method for solving nonlinear discrete-time optimal control problems. As our algorithm is a specialization of NPSQP (Gill et al. 1992), it inherits its generic properties, including global convergence, fast local convergence, and the lack of need for second order corrections or dimension expansions, improving on existing direct multiple shooting approaches such as acados (Verschueren et al. 2022), ALTRO (Howell et al. 2019), GNMS (Giftthaler et al. 2018), FATROP (Vanroye et al. 2023), and FDDP (Mastalli et al. 2020).