Web Warehouse is a read only repository maintained on the web to effectively handle the relevant data. Web warehouse is a system comprised of various subsystems and process. It supports the organizations in decision making. Quality of data store in web warehouse can affect the quality of decision made. For a valuable decision making it is required to consider the quality aspects in designing and modelling of a web warehouse. Thus data quality is one of the most important issues of the web warehousing system. Quality must be incorporated at different stages of the web warehousing system development. It is necessary to enhance existing data warehousing system to increase the data quality. It results in the storage of high quality data in the repository and efficient decision making. In this paper a Quality Evaluation Framework is proposed keeping in view the quality dimensions associated with different phases of a web warehouse. Further more, the proposed framework is validated empirically with the help of quantitative analysis.
翻译:网络仓库是有效处理相关数据的唯一存库; 网络仓库是一个由各种子系统和流程组成的系统,它支持各组织的决策; 网络仓库中数据储存的质量可以影响所作决定的质量; 网络仓库中的数据储存的质量可以影响所作决定的质量; 为了作出宝贵的决策,它需要考虑网络仓库设计和建模的质量问题; 因此,数据质量是网络仓储系统最重要的问题之一; 必须在网络仓储系统开发的不同阶段纳入质量问题; 有必要加强现有数据仓储系统以提高数据质量; 使存储库中储存高质量的数据并有效决策; 本文建议了一个质量评价框架,以考虑到与网络仓库不同阶段相关的质量层面; 此外,在定量分析的帮助下,对拟议框架进行了经验验证。