Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are a class of repulsive point processes, popular for their relative simplicity. They are traditionally defined via their marginal distributions, but a subset of DPPs called "L-ensembles" have tractable likelihoods and are thus particularly easy to work with. Indeed, in many applications, DPPs are more naturally defined based on the L-ensemble formulation rather than through the marginal kernel. The fact that not all DPPs are L-ensembles is unfortunate, but there is a unifying description. We introduce here extended L-ensembles, and show that all DPPs are extended L-ensembles (and vice-versa). Extended L-ensembles have very simple likelihood functions, contain L-ensembles and projection DPPs as special cases. From a theoretical standpoint, they fix some pathologies in the usual formalism of DPPs, for instance the fact that projection DPPs are not L-ensembles. From a practical standpoint, they extend the set of kernel functions that may be used to define DPPs: we show that conditional positive definite kernels are good candidates for defining DPPs, including DPPs that need no spatial scale parameter. Finally, extended L-ensembles are based on so-called ``saddle-point matrices'', and we prove an extension of the Cauchy-Binet theorem for such matrices that may be of independent interest.
翻译:磁点进程( DPP) 是一组令人厌恶的点进程, 因其相对简单性而受欢迎。 它们传统上是通过边际分布来定义的, 但被称为“ L- ensembles” 的 DPP 子集具有可移动的可能性, 因而特别容易操作。 事实上, 在许多应用程序中, DPP 更自然地定义基于L- 组合配方而不是边际内核。 并非所有 DPP 是 L- ensembles 是不幸的, 但有一个统一的描述。 我们在这里引入了扩展的 L- ENmbles, 并显示所有 DPP 是扩展的 L- ensembles 。 扩展的L- ensbensbles 功能非常简单, 包含 L- ensbensball 并投影化 DPPP 作为特殊案例。 从理论的角度出发, 它们解决了 DPP 通常的形式主义不是 L- enensbles 。 从实际角度来说, 它们扩展了用于定义 DPPP 的一组 的扩展 功能 。