We propose a data segmentation methodology for the high-dimensional linear regression problem where regression parameters are allowed to undergo multiple changes. The proposed methodology, MOSEG, proceeds in two stages: first, the data are scanned for multiple change points using a moving window-based procedure, which is followed by a location refinement stage. MOSEG enjoys computational efficiency thanks to the adoption of a coarse grid in the first stage, and achieves theoretical consistency in estimating both the total number and the locations of the change points, under general conditions permitting serial dependence and non-Gaussianity. We also propose MOSEG.MS, a multiscale extension of MOSEG which, while comparable to MOSEG in terms of computational complexity, achieves theoretical consistency for a broader parameter space where large parameter shifts over short intervals and small changes over long stretches of stationarity are simultaneously allowed. We demonstrate good performance of the proposed methods in comparative simulation studies and in an application to predicting the equity premium.