Data in the energy domain grows at unprecedented rates. Despite the great potential that IoT platforms and other big data-driven technologies have brought in the energy sector, data exchange and data integration are still not wholly achieved. As a result, fragmented applications are developed against energy data silos, and data exchange is limited to few applications. Therefore, this paper identifies semantic models that can be reused for building interoperable energy management services and applications. The ambition is to innovate the Institute Mihajlo Pupin proprietary SCADA system and to enable integration of the Institute Mihajlo Pupin services and applications in the European Union (EU) Energy Data Space. The selection of reusable models has been done based on a set of scenarios related to electricity balancing services, predictive maintenance services, and services for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
翻译:能源领域的数据以前所未有的速度增长。尽管国际能源网平台和其他由大数据驱动的大型技术给能源部门带来了巨大潜力,但数据交换和数据整合仍未完全实现。因此,针对能源数据仓开发了零散的应用软件,数据交换仅限于少数应用软件。因此,本文件确定了可用于建设可互操作的能源管理服务和应用的语义模型。目标是创新米哈伊洛能源专利技术研究所的SCADA系统,使Mihajlo Pupin研究所的服务和应用融入欧洲联盟(欧盟)能源数据空间。选择可再使用模型是根据一套与电力平衡服务、预测维修服务以及住宅、商业和工业部门服务有关的情景。