Event cameras are a new type of image sensors that output changes in light intensity (events) instead of absolute intensity values. They have a very high temporal resolution and a high dynamic range. In this paper, we propose a method to detect and decode binary square markers using an event camera. We detect the edges of the markers by detecting line segments in an image created from events in the current packet. The line segments are combined to form marker candidates. The bit value of marker cells is decoded using the events on their borders. To the best of our knowledge, no other approach exists for detecting square binary markers directly from an event camera using only the CPU unit in real-time. Experimental results show that the performance of our proposal is much superior to the one from the RGB ArUco marker detector. The proposed method can achieve the real-time performance on a single CPU thread.
翻译:事件摄像头是一种新型图像传感器,它输出光强度(活动)而不是绝对强度值的变化。 它们具有非常高的时间分辨率和高动态范围。 在本文中, 我们提出使用事件相机探测和解码二进制的二进制方标记的方法。 我们通过探测当前包中的事件所生成的图像中的线段来探测标记的边缘。 线段组合成标记候选体。 标记单元格的比特值是使用其边界上的事件解码的。 据我们所知, 没有其他方法可以直接从事件相机中探测正态二进制标记, 只有实时的 CPU 单元。 实验结果显示, 我们提案的性能比 RGB ArUco 标记探测器的性能要高得多。 拟议的方法可以在单个 CPU 线索上实现实时性能 。