Fully coupled McKean-Vlasov forward-backward stochastic differential equations (MV-FBSDEs) arise naturally from large population optimization problems. Judging the quality of given numerical solutions for MV-FBSDEs, which usually require Picard iterations and approximations of nested conditional expectations, is typically difficult. This paper proposes an a posteriori error estimator to quantify the $L^2$-approximation error of an arbitrarily generated approximation on a time grid. We establish that the error estimator is equivalent to the global approximation error between the given numerical solution and the solution of a forward Euler discretized MV-FBSDE. A crucial and challenging step in the analysis is the proof of stability of this Euler approximation to the MV-FBSDE, which is of independent interest. We further demonstrate that, for sufficiently fine time grids, the accuracy of numerical solutions for solving the continuous MV-FBSDE can also be measured by the error estimator. The error estimates justify the use of residual-based algorithms for solving MV-FBSDEs. Numerical experiments for MV-FBSDEs arising from mean field control and games confirm the effectiveness and practical applicability of the error estimator.