Exact inference in Bayesian networks is intractable and has an exponential dependence on the size of the largest clique in the corresponding clique tree (CT), necessitating approximations. Factor based methods to bound clique sizes are more accurate than structure based methods, but expensive since they involve inference of beliefs in a large number of candidate structure or region graphs. We propose an alternative approach for approximate inference based on an incremental build-infer-approximate (IBIA) paradigm, which converts the Bayesian network into a data structure containing a sequence of linked clique tree forests (SLCTF), with clique sizes bounded by a user-specified value. In the incremental build stage of this approach, CTFs are constructed incrementally by adding variables to the CTFs as long as clique sizes are within the specified bound. Once the clique size constraint is reached, the CTs in the CTF are calibrated in the infer stage of IBIA. The resulting clique beliefs are used in the approximate phase to get an approximate CTF with reduced clique sizes. The approximate CTF forms the starting point for the next CTF in the sequence. These steps are repeated until all variables are added to a CTF in the sequence. We prove that our algorithm for incremental construction of clique trees always generates a valid CT and our approximation technique preserves the joint beliefs of the variables within a clique. Based on this, we show that the SLCTF data structure can be used for efficient approximate inference of partition function and prior and posterior marginals. More than 500 benchmarks were used to test the method and the results show a significant reduction in error when compared to other approximate methods, with competitive runtimes.
翻译:Bayesian 网络的扩展是棘手的,具有指数性依赖相应 clinque 树(CT) 的最大 cluique 的大小, 需要近似值。 以系数为基础的约束 cloique 大小方法比基于结构的方法更准确, 但费用却昂贵, 因为这些方法涉及大量候选结构或区域图中的信念推断。 我们建议了另一种办法, 以基于递增的建设- 推近(IBIA) 模式的大致推论为基础, 将Bayesian 网络转换成一个数据结构, 包含一系列相连的 cloique 树森林( SLCTF), 由用户指定的价值捆绑起来。 在这种方法的递增阶段, 以递增的方式构建 CtFTF 的变量, 只要在特定范围之内, 就会增加变量的变量。 一旦达到临界值限制, CTF 在 IBIA 的精度阶段, 由此形成的 Clickr 信念在大约的阶段中被使用, 以近似的 CCTFTF 基底值为基础, 在不断递减的排序中, 显示Cral 的缩缩缩 。