Minimal paths are regarded as a powerful and efficient tool for boundary detection and image segmentation due to its global optimality and the well-established numerical solutions such as fast marching method. In this paper, we introduce a flexible interactive image segmentation model based on the Eikonal partial differential equation (PDE) framework in conjunction with region-based homogeneity enhancement. A key ingredient in the introduced model is the construction of local geodesic metrics, which are capable of integrating anisotropic and asymmetric edge features, implicit region-based homogeneity features and/or curvature regularization. The incorporation of the region-based homogeneity features into the metrics considered relies on an implicit representation of these features, which is one of the contributions of this work. Moreover, we also introduce a way to build simple closed contours as the concatenation of two disjoint open curves. Experimental results prove that the proposed model indeed outperforms state-of-the-art minimal paths-based image segmentation approaches.
翻译:最小路径因其全球最佳性以及快速行进法等公认的数字解决方案,被视为边界探测和图像分割的强大而有效的工具。在本文件中,我们引入了基于Eikonal 部分差异方程(PDE)框架的灵活互动图像分割模型,同时以区域为基础的同质性增强。引入模型的一个关键要素是构建当地的大地测量指标,这些测量指标能够整合厌异和不对称边缘特征、隐含区域同质特征和/或曲线调节。将基于区域的同质性特征纳入考虑的计量标准取决于这些特征的隐含表示,这是这项工作的贡献之一。此外,我们还引入了一种方法,将简单封闭的等弦作为两个不相连的开放曲线的交替组合。实验结果证明,拟议的模型确实超越了基于路径的状态最小图像分割方法。