Adapters are a parameter-efficient alternative to fine-tuning, which augment a frozen base network to learn new tasks. Yet, the inference of the adapted model is often slower than the corresponding fine-tuned model. To improve on this, we propose Structured Pruning Adapters (SPAs), a family of compressing, task-switching network adapters, that accelerate and specialize networks using tiny parameter sets and structured pruning. Specifically, we propose a channel-based SPA and evaluate it with a suite of pruning methods on multiple computer vision benchmarks. Compared to regular structured pruning with fine-tuning, our channel-SPAs improve accuracy by 6.9% on average while using half the parameters at 90% pruned weights. Alternatively, they can learn adaptations with 17x fewer parameters at 70% pruning with 1.6% lower accuracy. Similarly, our block-SPA requires far fewer parameters than pruning with fine-tuning. Our experimental code and Python library of adapters are available at