Worst-case optimal join algorithms have so far been studied in two broad contexts -- $(1)$ when we are given input relation sizes [Atserias et al., FOCS 2008, Ngo et al., PODS 2012, Velduizhen et. al, ICDT 2014] $(2)$ when in addition to size, we are given a degree bound on the relation [Abo Khamis et al., PODS 2017]. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been studied beyond these two statistics even for the case when input relations have arity (at most) two. In this paper, we present a worst-case optimal join algorithm when are given $\ell_{p}$-norm size bounds on input relations of arity at most two for $p \in (1, 2]$. ($p=1$ corresponds to relation size bounds and $p=\infty$ corresponds to the degree bounds.) The worst-case optimality holds any fixed $p \in (2, \infty)$ as well (as long as the join query graph has large enough girth). Our algorithm is {\em simple}, does not depend on $p$ (or) the $\ell_{p}$-norm bounds and avoids the (large) poly-log factor associated with the best known algorithm PANDA [Abo Khamis et al., PODS 2017] for the size and degree bounds setting of the problem. In this process, we (partially) resolve two open question from [Ngo, 2018 Gems of PODS]. We believe our algorithm has the {\em potential} to pave the way for practical worst-case optimal join algorithms beyond the case of size bounds.
翻译:最坏情况下的最佳合并算法迄今已在两个大背景下进行了研究 -- -- 最坏情况下,我们得到了输入关系大小[Atserias等人,FOCS,2008年,Ngo等人,PODS,2012年,Velduizhen等人,ICDT,2014年] $(2)美元,除了大小以外,我们还得到一个与[Abo Khamis等人,PODS 2017] 关系挂钩的学位。据我们所知,最坏情况下,即使输入关系具有(多数)异性(最多)二美元。在本文中,当给出了最坏情况下的最佳合并算法,当给出了 $@ellp=p* 等值时,我们提出了最坏情况下的最佳合并算法。