Convergence to a saddle point for convex-concave functions has been studied for decades, while recent years has seen a surge of interest in non-convex (zero-sum) smooth games, motivated by their recent wide applications. It remains an intriguing research challenge how local optimal points are defined and which algorithm can converge to such points. An interesting concept is known as the local minimax point, which strongly correlates with the widely-known gradient descent ascent algorithm. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of local minimax points, such as their relation with other solution concepts and their optimality conditions. We find that local saddle points can be regarded as a special type of local minimax points, called uniformly local minimax points, under mild continuity assumptions. In (non-convex) quadratic games, we show that local minimax points are (in some sense) equivalent to global minimax points. Finally, we study the stability of gradient algorithms near local minimax points. Although gradient algorithms can converge to local/global minimax points in the non-degenerate case, they would often fail in general cases. This implies the necessity of either novel algorithms or concepts beyond saddle points and minimax points in non-convex smooth games.
翻译:数十年来,人们一直在研究如何将“convex”(零和)平滑游戏混为一谈,而近些年来,人们对非convex(零和)平滑游戏的兴趣因最近的广泛应用而急剧增加。这仍然是一项令人感兴趣的研究挑战,即如何界定当地最佳点,以及哪种算法可以与这些点汇合。一个有趣的概念是当地迷你轴点,它与广为人知的梯度下游算法密切相关。本文件的目的是全面分析当地迷你轴点,例如它们与其他解决方案概念的关系及其最佳性条件。我们发现,当地马鞍点可以被视为一种特殊的当地迷你点,在温和的连续性假设下,称为统一当地迷你点。在(非convex)的二次游戏中,我们发现当地迷你轴点(某种意义上)相当于全球迷你点。最后,我们研究接近当地迷你点的梯度算法的稳定性。尽管梯度算法可以与非degenate(n-global minixate)点相融合。在非dequenal aslal kill cal asion imcal clasgal 中,它们往往意味着它们在一般情况下会无法。