Maintaining a resilient computer network is a delicate task with conflicting priorities. Flows should be served while controlling risk due to attackers. Upon publication of a vulnerability, administrators scramble to manually mitigate risk before a patch is available. Tools exist to check network reachability (Khurshid et al., NSDI 2013) and risk using (probabilistic) attack graphs (Sheyner et al., IEEE S\&P 2002). These tools are not designed to fashion configurations that simultaneously satisfy multiple properties. We introduce FASHION: a linear optimizer that \emph{fashions} network configurations to balance functionality and security requirements. FASHION formalizes functionality as a multi-commodity flow problem with side-constraints. FASHION formulates security as the average of 1) the risk of the connected component in the attack graph and 2) the highest probability path in the attack graph. These measures approximate the risk in a probabilistic attack graph (Wang et al., Network Security Metrics 2017). FASHION outputs a set of software-defined networking rules consumable by a Frenetic controller (Foster et al., ICFP 2011). The approximation linearly combines two measures. One measure is the impact of the set of nodes the attacker can reach in the attack graph (ignoring probability). The second is the maximum probability path in the attack graph. FASHION is evaluated on data center networks with up to 649 devices, usually outputting a solution in under 30 minutes. FASHION allows an enterprise to automatically reconfigure their network upon a change in functionality (shift in user demand) or security (publication or patching of a vulnerability).
翻译:维护具有复原力的计算机网络是一项复杂的任务, 具有互相冲突的优先事项。 在控制攻击者的风险时, 流程应该用于控制攻击者的风险。 在公布一个弱点后, 管理员会在补补补之前拼凑手动降低风险。 存在一些工具来检查网络的可达性( Khurshid 等人, NSDI 2013), 并使用攻击图中的( 概率) 攻击图的风险 (Sheyner 等人, IEEEE S ⁇ P 2002) 。 这些工具不是设计用来在破坏性攻击图( Wang 等人, 网络安全2017) 中, 我们引入一个线性优化器, 以平衡功能和安全需求。 FASHION 将功能正规化成一个多通气流问题。 FASHION 设计一个功能性功能化功能化功能化功能化功能化, 与侧控制器化的多通性流动问题。 FASHI 将攻击图中连接部分的风险风险, 2) 这些工具在攻击性攻击图中( FFFP) 的直径化中, 直径直径分析中, 无法在攻击路径中, 直径变。 直径分析中, 直径变。 在攻击路径中, 将一个安全直径变。