Increasingly, business opportunities available to fabless design teams in the semiconductor industry far exceed those addressable with on-prem compute resources. An attractive option to capture these electronic design automation (EDA) design opportunities is through public cloud bursting. However, security concerns with public cloud bursting arise from having to protect process design kits, third party intellectual property, and new design data for semiconductor devices and chips. One way to address security concerns for public cloud bursting is to leverage confidential containers for EDA workloads. Confidential containers add zero trust computing elements to significantly reduce the probability of intellectual property escapes. A key concern that often follows security discussions is whether EDA workload performance will suffer with confidential computing. In this work we demonstrate a full set of EDA confidential containers and their deployment and characterize performance impacts of confidential elements of the flow including storage and networking. A complete end-to-end confidential container-based EDA workload exhibits 7.13% and 2.05% performance overheads over bare-metal container and VM based solutions, respectively.