Mapping and localization in endoluminal cavities from colonoscopies or gastroscopies has to overcome the challenge of significant shape and illumination changes between reobservations of the same endoluminal location. Instead of geometrical maps that strongly rely on a fixed scene geometry, topological maps are more adequate because they focus on visual place recognition, i.e. the capability to determine if two video shots are imaging the same location. We propose a topological mapping and localization system able to operate on real human colonoscopies. The map is a graph where each node codes a colon location by a set of real images of that location. The edges represent traversability between two nodes. For close-in-time images, where scene changes are minor, place recognition can be successfully managed with the recent transformers-based image-matching algorithms. However, under long-term changes --such as different colonoscopies of the same patient-- feature-based matching fails. To address this, we propose a GeM global descriptor able to achieve high recall with significant changes in the scene. The addition of a Bayesian filter processing the map graph boosts the accuracy of the long-term place recognition, enabling relocalization in a previously built map. In the experiments, we construct a map during the withdrawal phase of a first colonoscopy. Subsequently, we prove the ability to relocalize within this map during a second colonoscopy of the same patient two weeks later. Code and models will be available upon acceptance.